Major Public Utility and Evolon

Apr 2, 2021

Evolon Enterprise Secures the Perimeters of Multiple Locations by Providing Real-Time Threat Detection to Command Center Personnel

When millions of customers are relying on you to provide electricity and natural gas services to their homes and businesses, any service disruption can result in upset customers, damage to your brand, and a potential PR crisis. For a major utility company that operates and maintains dozens of sites and substations across multiple locations, any act of vandalism or the intentional destruction of vital equipment could prove catastrophic.

The power provider already had a vast network of cameras surveying its sprawling infrastructure, but it lacked the ability to proactively monitor the massive amount of video feeds coming into its command center in real-time. That’s when the utility turned to the experts at Evolon.

Evolon Delivers a Cost-Effective Surveillance Solution that Transforms Existing Cameras Into Smart Devices

Providing advanced, highly accurate perimeter surveillance technology for critical infrastructure protection, Evolon Enterprise™ instantly transforms legacy cameras into highly accurate smart devices, detecting objects of interest and seeing through all the noise. Enterprise ensures the fast identification of threats, even in harsh environments and tough weather conditions.

With Enterprise, customers get edge-based, real-time detection objects of interest with fewer false alarms in a universally applicable and camera-agnostic solution.

Now that the utility has deployed Evolon Enterprise at more than 500 of its nuclear, electric, and natural gas facilities and substations, security command center personnel spend far less time chasing down false alarms, allowing them to concentrate only on genuine threats and respond instantly.